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Email Content: Poultry Industry News, Comments and more by Simon M. Shane

House Agriculture Committee Reviewed Regulatory Barriers to Production


On February 28th, the House Agriculture Committee arranged a hearing entitled "Uncertainty, Inflation, Regulations: Challenges for American Agriculture".  The focus involved regulatory barriers impeding agricultural productivity.  The hearing was chaired by Representative Glenn Thompson (R-PA) who served as Ranking Member during 117th Congress and Vice Chairman during the 116th Congress.


Mike Brown, President of the National Chicken Council testified at the hearing stating, “The chicken industry is a model of American innovation and efficiency and there is no more important food source in America. Chicken is healthy, sustainable, and affordable and supports millions of jobs and thousands of rural communities.”


Brown emphasized the negative aspects of over-regulation and ‘red tape’ noting “Overzealous and misguided regulations threaten to take chicken off the plate for millions. Those most vulnerable would be first in line including lower income earners, children who receive free and reduced cost school meals, and needy individuals who rely on food banks to feed their families. With soaring across-the-board inflation, the looming threat of recession, and geopolitical disruption, there has never been a worse time for needless governmental regulation.”


Brown specifically pointed to attempts to amend rulemaking under the Packers and Stockyards Act, attempts to reduce processing line speeds and new food safety regulations as potentially burdensome.


Brown concluded “All of these regulatory programs share two things in common: One, there is no compelling justification for them, and two, they would drive unprecedented levels of food inflation and food scarcity.”

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