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Email Content: Poultry Industry News, Comments and more by Simon M. Shane

Incidence of HPAI Increasing in South America


To date, eight nations comprising Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentine, and Uruguay have reported cases of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in free living birds, backyard farms or in most nations in commercial flocks.  The latest nations to report cases include Uruguay and Argentine.  In response this country has suspended exports of chicken with a volume of approximately 0.3 million metric tons annually.


It is considered noteworthy that only Brazil, surrounded by the affected nations has not detected infection or reported cases to the World Organization of Animal Health to date.



A case of HPAI in Brazil would have profound repercussions for both the Nation’s industry and international poultry trade. This is based on the dominant position of Brazil as a supplier to countries with deficits in domestic production. An extensive outbreak would alter the approach to restrictions imposed by importing countries including wider adoption of regionalization and acceptance of vaccination as a component of control.

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