Perdue Farms has provided $300,000 for a project to support conservation in cooperation with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. The total initiative will be funded by a $1 million grant to reduce nutrient and sediment release.
Drew Getty, VP of Environmental Sustainability at Perdue Farms, stated, “At Perdue our responsibility as good environmental stewards includes partnering with various stakeholders to preserve and protect our natural resources.” He added, “This partnership with the Alliance and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and together with our farm partners, is an example of collaboration to enhance the quality of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.” Approximately 80 Perdue contractors will receive technical and financial support under the initiative.
Improvements will include establishing environmental buffers, management of storm water and improving soil health. Specific concerns relating to broiler production include improved manure disposal and composting of routine broiler mortality.