Before the Dunlop, ONT strike was settled, The Canadian Cattle Association, the National Cattle Feeders Association and Beef Farmers of Ontario issued a statement urging UFCW and Cargill to resolve issues. Workers closed the plant on May 27th over wages, benefits and security. The plant was responsible for processing over 70 percent of cattle in Ontario and the eastern region of Canada. The situation was exacerbated by the strike vote taken by workers in Cargill plants in Alberta who have threatened labor action in support of the Ontario UFCW Local 175.

The joint statement issued by the producers’ organizations included “Canadian beef producers rely on a strong and stable supply chain to get beef to Canadian and our global customers as efficiently as possible.” The statement added, “While we fully respect and support the collective bargaining process we cannot turn a blind eye to the effect this stalemate is having on our beef industry. Accordingly the UFCW Locals involved reached a tentative agreement with Cargill that was approved by rank and file over the July 6th weekend.